Friday, April 8, 2005

Weekend Assignment #54 Words to the Wise

Weekend Assignment #54: Words to the Wise

Got a piece of hard-won wisdom you can share? Post it to your Journal and let us know.

I seem to have learned most of my lessons the hard way, but I caught on to that early enough to know what was always coming and I took my lumps like a champ.

I have had a couple of great words of the wise spoken to me, some softly some at the top of my parents lungs! LOL

My Fathers only advice on 'BOYS' - For my 16th birthday my Father bought me what I thought was the strangest gift...10 snap in the front bras!...I'm thinking OK, I am having my sweet 16 birthday (but was already kissed, what can I say I was boy crazy by the time I hit kindergarten running! LOL) and my Father has bought me bras??? Then came is best attempt at warning me about 'BOYS'...."By the time the SOB's figure out the hook is in the front and not the back you will have enough time to slug, slap or kick em where it hurts!" Only sex talk I ever received from my parents! LOL

The other piece of advice came to me via a person that by the time I wrote out the whole 6 degrees of separation thingy I would have lost many who read my journal so I'll just get to his words that made me feel OK about myself which was hard because at the time I was just 18, but the words stuck with me and made a difference on how I lived my life. "Don't let people try and change you, stay who you are. There are going to be plenty of people who are threatened by your strong personality, the way you look or the way other people look at you, but don't let them get to you, always be....just you!"

And now for my Mother's advice which gave me strength and perseverance whenever I needed it, "If you rely on yourself.... you will never be disappointed"

 Nuff said! LOL






Anonymous said...

Your Dad is hilarious and your Mom is very wise...great entry!  JAE

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

LOL Dad was trying to protect you...that's this entry...Sandi

Anonymous said...

You Dad loves you, in his own way!