Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Journal Jar Question

Another question from Promises' Journal Jar

What are some of your favorite smells?


Oh I have bunches of them..............


The scent of wet bricks and pavement after a summer rain

The smell of babies...you know what I'm talking about...only the good smells that emanate from them! lol

The scent of Lilacs ...... I miss the house I grew up in, our side yard was filled with lilac bushes and on a spring day with the windows open they would fragrant the whole house..I'm just going to have to plant lilac bushes of my own!

The smell of Puppy Breath......Is there anything better out there really?? They are just TOO CUTE!

I also love to inhale my Husband! Talk about a body rush....it conjures up those old new feelings from when we first met, which causes butterflies in my stomach all over again. When we first met he was wearing Aramis Cologne........I still make sure he has a bottle of that with the other colognes we have picked up along our journey in life together....when he goes out of town you can bet I still dab a lil of that on myself so I can "feel" him around me.....I know.. I have it bad for that man of mine! (STILL) But he is one of my most favorite aromas!




Anonymous said...

just mowed grass, laundry,kittens,gardenias, horses...

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about inhaling your husband.  I use to love to smell my ex (when he wasn't my ex of coarse,havent' tried since)  but it was a feeling smell!!