Thursday, April 21, 2005

Pink Trees and Twisted Ankles


Once a year I am in total love with my Crab Apple Trees......This is that time of year. There is something magical about flowers in trees for me, growing up the only flowers I saw were coming up from the ground, we didn't have fruit bearing trees in my old neighborhood, so to see flowers blooming vibrant in a tree takes my breath away. We have many trees on our property, birch, blue spruce, evergreen, cedar and 3 crab apple trees.

My Husband was born and raised just outside of Chicago's city limits, so he was lucky to have one small tree in his yard and a patch of grass in what they considered a back yard. He chose this house because it had so many old wonderful trees......he actually counted them the day we moved in and with a look of total contentment shared that number with me.... 36 beautiful trees........I don't think he's so fond of them come Fall! LOL I know I fear the crab apple tree come fall.......the crab apples fall from the trees and become hidden under leaves and it never fails I always manage to twist an ankle and re-injure an old  injury. So much for natural born grace huh?? LOL LOL LOL

One of the many reasons I love southern California is that many of the trees have blooms on much beauty around and I wonder how many busy people walk blindly by....I hope I never get that busy.




Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yep... that is one beautiful tree!

Anonymous said...

I know...there is a climbing dogwood that twines around my camilla bush that makes me late for work. I can't walk by it without stopping and feeling vaugely grateful for this life!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous tree...perfect for Earth Day....come see my garden...Sandi

Anonymous said...

GORGEOUS  blossoms!!  I had a crabapple tree outside my bedroom window as a kid.  I would open the window and sit there lookin at my tree...a big storm broke it and my dad cut it down.  For years I thought he just cut it to make me mad.  I just found out about the storm a couple weeks ago!!