Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Becoming a

On the road to becoming a better me I am constantly battling my old thought patterns. I used to find myself frustrated with people that expected 100% from me and gave less back. I have to keep reminding myself that people can only expend of themselves what they can give away without loosing to ones self. How I had to change that thought process around, was to not give 100% of myself all the time, give what I could..... but keep a healthy reserve left for myself and my family. It somehow balances things out in the end and all parties seem satisfied.

I also have to keep diligent about pop decisions on first impressions. I am not always on top of my game day in and day out and I have to realize that the first impression isn't always right.....most of the time but not always. Once I get comfortable with a new acquaintance and they with me I like to bring up the topic of first impressions....I am told I talk a lot and that I grow on people rapidly......I have to work on not talking a lot, but the funny thing is when I do have a quiet moment (which is rare) I have a large amount of people asking my, 'What's wrong?' Go Figure!!!!! lol

I need my most work on becoming more patient....patient with everything and everybody. This monster takes over in me sometimes and in trying to rush things through, I end up putting more on my plate and delegating less just to finish with something quickly. I take my time most of the time walking through life with my eyes wide open, but when it comes to taking on a task........I turn into this speed demon.....something always pushes me to get it done now and done fast...maybe because I also know that if I take a break from something I might run out of energy and put the task off again, until I am back in that mind set.

Who knew becoming a better me was so much work! lol lol lol



Anonymous said...

let's see you got me started on self improvement...
i am the queen of procrastination
i also tend to ignore unpleasantness instead of confronting it
I am messy
i am lazy
Whew, gotta take a nap after all this soul-searching!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah...don't get me started either.  I'm in one of those bad moods and not real happy with myself when I'm mean.  LOL  Tomorrow I will work on me.  :)
Good entry!  