Friday, April 15, 2005

Can you say......ouch??

OK, Last month I found a lump.....not in my breast tissue but where my collar bone and neck meet, I noticed it because my neck was no longer what I perceived as symmetrical.....there is this pliable mass the size of a walnut....I finally gave into my Husbands threats and saw the Doctor on I had a cat scan......I should get the results early next week.......The Doctor and I are not worried, Hubby is freaked!

I had to get the cat scan with iodine contrast.........weird stuff that stuff can feel in passing through veins, you get a metallic taste in your mouth and get the feeling you just piddled in your pants! Ahhhhh brings back memories of the freedom to piddle where you stood! LOL

BUT.......I ask you? What is up with that skinny little table they put you on for the place to put you arms which has been stuck 3 times in order to get an IV you hold them in an awkward position up over our abdomen........counting to the moment until you can lay them on top of you........why not make the table a lil wider to accommodate laying your arms comfortably at your side?Just where is that damn suggestion box anyway??? LOL

Oh another joy is scheduled for next month.......mammogram...the equivalent of placing your breast in a window sill and then having the worlds strongest man slam it shut with all their might to only have the Technician tell you hold your breath with all that pain I can actually breath! And then tell you stand just where do they think I am going with my breast smashed under glass???

I'll take bend over and cough ANYDAY!!!! lol lol lol


Anonymous said...

I will keep u in my prayers for the table i too want that answer lord they expect u to lie there for what seems like hours you would think the least they could do is widen the damn table. And as for the mammogram i do know this it had to be invented by a

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'll be thinking about you too and hoping all is well! You have the right attitude - no reason to worry until there's a reason to worry. :)

Have a good weekend,

Anonymous said...

I'm sure everything will turn out good with the lump.  :)'t hold it against me...but I used to be one of the technicians that took a hold of your 'boobies' and flattened them.  Yes, I spent years smashing breasts and no one liking me.  :)   I have mine scheduled for May.   Good Luck!!

Anonymous said...

I am a male and had the "pleasure" of having a mammogram last summer.  You think it's bad for you as a woman?  Just add to your experience of being shuttled in and out of the back door like a dirty little secret so that none of the other female patients could see that a man was treading on "sacred" ground, LOL.

Anonymous said...

I tottaly agree That and the mris.
They are awfull with the mris you get this constant pounding that when you are finnally done your head still bounding .
as for the mamagram,all I can say is god luck ,did that once and then they said they screwed up on the test and i was to go back and redo it.
lucklie nothing must of been there because I said no way.
I know I got to agine but ill waight scence the lump went away .
good luck and I hope it isnt anything .
Ps caffine will cause a lump to .

Anonymous said...

let us know how it all turns out!

Anonymous said...

Got my fingers crossed that everything comes out okay.  Got my toes, my arms, my legs, heck I've even got my eyes crossed for you!  And.... becareful what you wish for, that old 'bend over and cough' deal could be right around the corner!

Anonymous said...

I recently had the scan with dye and I agree it is an odd feeling. Paula