Saturday, April 9, 2005

My Computer is sick :(

My poor poor puter, it's not feeling very well and has to go in for minor surgery, It seems the A drive is either not feeling very well or has lost its memory.......such a sad sad day for me.

If it wasn't for my lil darlings and the need to be able to save school work to floppy's I wouldn't be concerned with getting this fixed so quickly. What will I do without having access to my computer, AOL journals and pogo? I have no idea.........For God's sake I hope I don't give in and do housework or even worse...... day time TV!!!!!!! I will have somewhat of a time line when I call the Computer Specialist on Monday as to how long I will be........(ok Kim....the first step is saying it out loud.....big gulp! .......C O M P U T E R L E S S) oh the agony..the injustice of it all.......maybe it will be just a simple problem like a peanut butter sandwich is crammed in there! Stranger things have happened in this crazy house of ours!

I will notify close friends and family and the neighbors to keep a close eye on me during this..... this.......difficult time. At least I have a few days to get ready for it.

I know I am going to have to deal with AOL delirium tremens (DTs).  This is a medical emergency.  The symptoms may include:

• confusion
• hallucinations
• agitation
• seizures
• disturbances of memory
• fever
• very high heart rate and blood pressure.

Hallucinations??? Great!!!! flash backs to the late 70's early 80' where did I put all those black light bulbs of mine?



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awwww, Kim, I know exactly how you feel! I think we all do. I can't imagine how we lived without computers, can you?!

Chances are, you need not be completely 'puterless. In times of great need, you can turn to your local public library and go sit among the transients exploring cyberspace sans privacy. Not quite the same as sitting in your jammies at any hour of the day logging on, but still, a lifeline to the world you've come to know and love.

Take care and I will pray for a speedy recovery for your computer...and you!
