Monday, April 18, 2005

My lil Man



My Son completed his required hunting saftey class over the weekend. it was (2) 7 hours days learning the rules, laws and how to safely handle hunting weapons. The class ended with a 50 question quiz and he scored 49/50. He doesn't have the desire to actually hunt right now, he just wanted to learn all there was about it and with the gift of his first Bow, he can hardly wait for the weekends. I think he will be mostly interested in competition shooting, his Father is hoping for a new lil hunting buddy, but I think my 'Lil Man' is going to end up just being his lil fishing buddy.

I spent years thinking do they ever grow up and now when I look at my 'Lil Man' I wonder where the 'Boy' went so fast. When I bring out the old photos of past generations of Men in my Husbands family I can't help but notice they got better and better looking with each new generation.......My Husband doesn't seem to agree with me on this (lol) but even though I still find him (hubby) adorable his Son is WAAAAAAY cuter! lol lol lol 

Na na na na na naaaaaaaaa!          Sorry Dear!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how old is your baby?