The Journal Jar
Subject: Question 76 ~ Personality traits
Author: promiseluv372
What personality traits do you admire the most?
This is an easy one for me........being comfortable with what you believe in and still be able to be open minded with other people.
I love to meet people who already know who they are. They have already been through the 'Finding myself' stage in life and are comfortable with what they have found, they don't feel the need to be different for the sake of being different. People who know who they are and like who they are. These are the people that know you have to continuously keep growing to be the best 'you' possible. A secure person is much more willing to accept others as who they are........there is no big ego trip to try and make others think the way they do........they know life is about learning and sometimes teaching others.
I know this is what I admire the most because it's opposite....close minded people......are what I detest the most.........I find them to be very stunted individuals..... what a pity.
I really like this entry. It all to well describes the way that I feel and the way that I am. The people that I come into contact with on a daily basis are constantly always trying to say things that they think might impress others.They never are truely real to themselves. Sometimes I find that I to am being the same way but after I have these conversations I get to myself and try to see where I went wrong in some of the previous conversations. I might have had with people. Sometimes I am not pleased but I know that I can't take it back because it has already been said.When I feel this way about a particular conversation I always have to remind my self that when I enter a conversation with a person or people I have to always remember to have faith in me and be myself no matter how intimidated I maybe feeling but sometimes fact flies in the face of my faith and then I feel I have to be like these people or I am a nothing or a nobody. Even though I am a strong minded woman, somtimes I don't like feeling left out.
I really like this entry. It all to well describes the way that I feel and the way that I am. The people that I come into contact with on a daily basis are constantly always trying to say things that they think might impress others.They never are truely real to themselves. Sometimes I find that I to am being the same way but after I have these conversations I get to myself and try to see where I went wrong in some of the previous conversations. I might have had with people. Sometimes I am not pleased but I know that I can't take it back because it has already been said.When I feel this way about a particular conversation I always have to remind my self that when I enter a conversation with a person or people I have to always remember to have faith in me and be myself no matter how intimidated I maybe feeling but sometimes fact flies in the face of my faith and then I feel I have to be like these people or I am a nothing or a nobody. Even though I am a strong minded woman, somtimes I don't like feeling left out.
I would have to say I admire most the ability to laugh at yourself. if anything really bad happjens, you can always think, "this will make a funny story later!"
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