Thursday, October 28, 2004

Confessions from the Confessional

Things I actually did as a child..............

Jumped off of a bridge (several times with friends) can you hear your Mother now, "If your friends told you to jump off of a bridge would you do it?" Ummmmmmm......... yes! Been there done that!

I was kicked out of "Brownies" (first step of being a girl scout) in the First Grade for accidentally hitting the Brownie Leader in the face with an Ice Ball (frozen snow ball) and then after I was scolded I asked her,"Do you practice what you preach?" Now I didn't know what it meant at the time, but she was pressuring me for an answer of some sort so I shot that one out there and BAM! I was kicked out of the Brownie Program! lol I still know the Brownie song about "I have something in my pocket" lol umm could it have been an ice ball! lol lol lol

I was always the decoy for hitchhiking! lol They would put me out there with my thumb up and then when I was offered a ride 9 of my friends and I would jump out of hiding and jump into the car! Now that scares the hell outta me today! What was I thinking???

During a crack down on drug use in High School, I was photographed several times through surveillance in what was known as "Smoker's Alley" (pot) and my poor Mother had to go in and view the picture's on a Saturday morning along with tons of other parents and then I finally had the chance to view them in my guidance councilor's office and he then told me that the cops wanted him to tell me that I was very photogenic! Greeaaaaat huh?!?!?....... NOT!!!!!! (because we all were minors we got off with just a slap on the wrist, Saturday school and a warning of "Next time you will have a record!" There was also a picture of me mooning the surveillance van! OOOOPS my bad! lol

Do you see why I ADORE my Mother so much now? She never gave up on me and these are but a FEW things that I put her through! lol I would of killed me a long time ago! lol Ok, I'm leaving the confessional now, be back with more later........maybe! lol


Anonymous said...

hmmmmm. I like this one! Spunk! My dad was the superintendent of schools and I hung out with the (pot) smokers behind the building a lot (I wasn't smoking). I was always amazed that I did not hear from my father on that. I was known for being pretty adventurous after school hours, but I am now older and wiser and squeeky (darn it) clean..........
:):) judi

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

One thing I remember was sneaking into the movie theaters! At that time, they had ushers (which , I guess they still do! )But there were two "cute" guys and we bought them beer (18 to drink back then !! LOL) so they would let me and my friends  in!! I saw Animal House 50 times that summer !! God, I havent thought about that in years. One other thought was hitchiking home from the beach, me and my three friends got picked up by a bunch of "older guys (we were 17 at the time)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I was a co-leader of the Brownie troop my daughter was in. I am glad it wasn't me you hit. LOL  Paula

Anonymous said...

Your poor Momma!  What a saint!