How more patient we are with other people's children and spouses? Or how much more accommodating we are with them? I'm guilty as charged in behaving this way too! Maybe because it's that old saying, "Familiarity breeds contempt." It's not that we don't love our own children and spouses because we know we do, I think it's because we were raised to be polite and we aren't always polite to the people we spend the most time with, like our own Husbands, Wives and children.
Case in point....this past weekend while out at the lake a girlfriend of mine who was participating in the catfish tournament, snagged her line out in the weeds, not only did my Husband and another friends Husband go to her rescue, they actually dragged one of the boats out and took her and her snagged fishing pole out closer to the snag as to not snap her line while trying to un snag it for her. Now me and the other Wife (the one whose DH is out helping the snagged girlfriend) are sitting there quite amused at how "helpful" and "polite" our DH's are being. If it was one of us it would of gone down more like something along these lines......"Kim, What do you mean you snagged your line? Didn't you see the weeds? Do you know how long I've had that lure Kim? and now it's gone?" Do you think he would of taken me out on the boat to un snag MY line? And if he did would he have been so quiet and polite about it?? I'm thinking NOPE! There would of been plenty of heated words and glances and I would of been told yet again, this is why he likes to go out fishing with his buddies, THEY bait their own hooks......THEY take their own catch off the hook........THEY un snag and un tangle their own messes! ( I know at least a few of you are sitting there reading this and shaking your head yes!!!! lol)
Now this little theory of mine works in my favor too! All the other Husbands are more attentive to me when I need something, My BIL (sisters DH) will drop everything and come over when I need something looked at in my home (My DH isn't as.... let's say "GIFTED" carpentry wise as by BIL) but my own Sister is still waiting for her DH to finish the downstairs family room bathroom (waiting 4+ years so far! lol) And I know that I can call any other of the DH'S on the nextel two way while they are out on a store run and ask for them to pick me up something I forgot and I will always be told "No Problem!" I can also ask any of the other children not born to me, to do a quick favor and NOT get the eye roll! lol lol lol
Just for "chits and giggles" I am going to moderate and modify my own behavior over the next week or so and see maybe if I start treating my DH and Children with more patience and gratitude, that I might reap the benefits of reciprocation..........I won't be holding my breath mind you, but I will be keeping mental notes.
Don't ya find human behavior soooo fascinating?? lol lol lol
So very true!
Thank you my dear for this reminder......
I too am guilty of forgetting about those closest to me.
I will work on my behaviors as well.....
You are so right, sometimes men will drop everything for the wrong person in their life and fuss if we needed the same-- I tell my guy-- be careful if the tables get switch. lololol Sherry
Personally, I would have gone off and made an ass out of myself. LOL
Good luck Kim! :)
I tried a similar experiment about a year ago, My hubby thought I was going to leave him and the children because I was being "sooo nice" to them.
ROFL@ the part about DH reacting if it was you that snagged the line. This is soooo true.
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