"The Waterfalls Edge"
kmh 2005
Yesterday, what a beautiful day! I was inspired to take my camera out. It had been laying dormant by the front door, silently wishing to be put to good use, but I hadn't felt inspired to do so in weeks. The trees are alive with ever changing colors and I was afraid I was going to let it pass without a photo tribute, but at last inspiration hit.
I started off my morning with a solo trip to the pumpkin patch, I didn't realize how I missed the annual trips I used to take with the kids until I walked among the rows of pumkins. They are now all past the pumpkin patch stages in their lives, so now I will have to wait and revisit with future grandchildren.
While at the pumpkin patch I heard the call of the taffy apple and washed it all down with a hot cup of apple cider, just as I was about the leave the cover of the enclosed food court a light sprinkle broke through the sometimes cloudy, sometimes sunny sky and I was graced with a late fall rainbow. What a gift that trip to the pumpkin patch revealed to me, I revisited my own childhood as I let the mixed flavors of the ripe caramel covered apple, sprinkled with nuts melt in my mouth, the aroma of the spiced apple cider reminded me of cold fall mornings from my youth, I revisited my minds eye with snapshots of my own children as they ran from pumpkin pile to pumpkin pile trying to find the perfect pumpkin to take home and carve, and then the full rainbow as the sunlight and rain hit my upturned face......it was a nice moment to be lost in. My day only got better with a stolen lunch with my husband Jim and a very late night cheering on my favorite baseball team from the warm confines of my bed and down comforter.....The Chicago White Sox!
My life is blessed and I am thankful!
Your Monday Photo Shoot: Halloween Decorations and Greetings
Your Monday Photo Shoot: Halloween is just a week away! Display your current decorations and preparations, or show off a favorite from years past. Pumpkins, holiday cards, decorations from Halloween parties and porch displays -- it's all good.
kmh 2005
Want to see more Halloween Photo's then visit John Scalzi's Blog!
So much to say so little time! lol.....My computer is being held hostage by my middle daughter and her boyfriend, they seem to think they can bring it back from the brink of death.......held my breath till I turned blue, then thought, I can do this! I can be without a computer for a month...right??? I have good non computer days and bad non computer days....but I do miss writing in my journal almost everyday.
The good thing is without a working computer in my home we are spending more quantity and quality time together as a family...still weighing in on the benefits of spending more time with the family.....I'll let you know the end results of all this family bonding when my computer is up and running again!lol
I went wedding dress shopping with my oldest daughter earlier this week, now that was a warm fuzzy moment if I ever had one! We had to keep in mind that she is getting married on the beach in the carribean in July.....can you say hot! hot! hot? She looked so beautiful in every dress she tried on, but we narrowed it down to 2 from... Ummm... I don't know 200!?!?!?! lol Then we both agreed which would be THEE DRESS and ordered it, (as soon as my computer is running I will post pictures of the dress!)
I got through my Son's first season of Football...only one broken bone for him and one anxiety attack for the Momma! As far as Rachel and the huge record label, we are still in negotiating a meeting stage....I can wait she is only 14 after all and even she realizes the changes that will come willing or not if she chooses to walk down this musical path.
I wanted to thank everyone who has expressed missing me here in J-Land while I'm incommudicato and most times I only have access to the internet via my Nextel, I do still read every entry on my watch list but I have no desire to text email via phone pad (tedious, if I do say so myself!) Dorn....Gabe is still in my prayers everyday, I'm so proud of that young man of yours!
well, I have to end this sooner than I want to but I am at my sisters house supposed to be participating at a neighbors birthday party.....so I'll say my goodbyes for now.....take care of yourselves and each other.
Just in case you all think I have fallen off the face of the earth, no need to worry or wonder anymore.....My computer is D.O.A.....thanks to my Middle Daughter and Her Boyfriend...I still have no idea what is wrong with it, or if it can be fixed or just needs to be replaced.....moment of silence please....
I am going through total computer withdrawal and I am so bored with my daytime hours that I have had to turn to house cleaning and cooking to take up all my free non AOL time now.....(insert swear words here) But I guess that was just a sign that the In-Laws are planning on returning for yet another visit...another moment of silence please.......
I hope all is well with everyone and I hope to be back on line soon....but in the mean time I guess it's time to get more intimate with Mr. Clean, Mrs. Dash and Mr. Bubbles.....cuz I am back to mad reading from the tub again! lol which all boils down to is... I am sure I have gained weight, I reek of cleaning solution and have a terrible case of wrinkled, prunish finger tips.
Until next time.....when ever that might be! lol Why oh why didn't I marry a computer repair man??? lmaooooo....just kidding Jim!!!!!! Ü.... hint! hint! A new computer would be a great Sweetest Day present...dontcha think? Thank you Mr. Hallmark! ;)
My 3rd installment of 7 questions asked and answered.....hmmmmm I see a theme developing here on this one.....most of it has to do with not being as young as I used to be! lmaooooooooo
7 things I can't do:
1) I can no longer hula hoop......I have lost my groove thing....a moment of silence please. I used to be able to hula hoop for very long periods of time.....now while my hula goes one way...my hoop goes another......the ground! :(
2) I can no longer bait my own hook...I used t o never have a problem with this, but DH made the mistake of putting bait in the fridge for an up coming day of fishing with his son (think night crawlers!) I spend my morning to the 'Big" grocery shopping came home put all my groceries away...ran other errands and attacked a few dust bunnies. I decided to make BLT's for lunch. Well, a child who shall remain nameless only because no one admitted to it had accidentally spilled something in the fridge, it leaked to the paper bag that held the night crawlers in a Styrofoam container with a very loose lid, the weight of the liquid on the top of the container, knocked it over, releasing the night crawlers....so by the time I opened the fridge to make BLT's I had about 40 night crawlers everywhere I looked......including the head of lettuce I just bought......needless to say I can't even look at a worm now without cringing........ughhh!
3) I can't water ski or snow ski......I learned those facts the hard way. Have I ever admitted to being a stubborn Irishwoman?? Most would call it determination......for most it would be determination, but I know me.....it h ad nothing to do with determination.....it was pure unadulterated Irish Pride! (lol) I was so determined to not drop that tow rope that I drank a lot of lake water, lost my bikini bottoms and became so twisted up in the tow rope, that I had severe rope burn in a very unmentionable area. It was so bad that pants and underwear were articles of clothing that I couldn't even look at without shuddering. (Think BIG blisters)......nuff said. Snow skiing.......fugetaboutit! I couldn't even balance long enough on one ski, to snap my other boot into the second ski.....after 20 minutes of trying, falling over, having small children laugh at me....I headed to the bar.......I sat watching all my friends flying down the hills, while sitting in the lounge by a roaring fire, in front of floor to ceiling windows......soothing my bruised (body and ego), soaked and cold body with hot chocolate laced with peppermint schnapps.
4) I can't do a cartwheel anymore......the thought of a full body cast stops me dead in my track...just thinking about tempting to do one.
5) I can no longer ice skate or roller skate.....my ankles took a beating when I was younger (OK, I think it might of had something to do with repeatedly jumping off of a bridge, because my friends told me to....true story...I know..my POOR mother right? ) so now I just fall down and go boom....so why bother.
6) I can no longer sit on the floor for long periods of time ...... something to do with sciatica and childbirth! lol
7) I can no longer sleep on my stomach.......something to do with smashing the "girls", sciatica and childbirth again! lol lol lol
Tomorrows question will be:
Seven things that attract me to the opposite sex: (Ohhhh Myyyyyy) lol!