Friday, April 7, 2006

I don't care for bitter coffee or bitter people ;)

Usually when I come across bitter, negative people, I know that something has either happened in their life to make them behave this way or something is lacking in their life. They are the first to lash out at people who are content with their life because they are not content with their own.

What especially cracks me up the most are those who think because a Woman who gives up here successful career as  Relocation Director for a high profile company and decides instead to do things that are more important in her life, like raise her children seem subservient to them. My family fulfills me, I don't need a career to do that for me.

I am also familiar with people who are so unhappy with their choices in life that they have to go out of their way to try and make people feel bad about themselves.......well that doesn't work for me. If I don't care about someone then their opinion of me matters even less. I do give people the benefit of the doubt first, maybe I did something with or without knowing that offended them, fine let's talk about it so I can either agree with you and apologize or agree to disagree and move on. But then every once in awhile you come across someone who you just realize is a miserable person, living with regrets and can't stand to be around positive minded people.

I do not expect everyone who either meets me, knows me or reads my blog to like me or my ideas and values in life. If I thought that was the case then I would have some sort of insane idea to run for a political office. What I do expect is for people who want to be respected, respect me too. And if something in my blog offends you then stop reading it. I don't blog in hopes of winning a Pulitzer Prize I write because it brings me some joy and some peace of mind, but I have to remember some people are to bitter to ever enjoy that concept and their karma reflects that loud and clear.

So if your education or your career is what keeps you warm at night, then so be it. I chose to give up both to raise my family and I have been blessed many times over for doing so......not everyone has to work ya know???


Anonymous said...

LOVE this chica!.  I defended this choice for years to many people in my family...and many friends.  I listened to myself, and my instincts as to which path I needed to be on.  As it stands, I have three gifted children, and a husband who has been able to build a thriving company.  Most of all though...I have had one of my hearts dreams fulfilled.  Thanks for validating it. ;)  C.

Anonymous said...

mY HAT is off to you....................
Thank you for having the courage to say what you believe in..............
Me personally, I think "working" as a full time mother is a very noble thing...
I always get a kick out of people that say "you gave up working to be a SAHM"...
Because being a SAHM is alot of work.................
And it can be even more demanding than Corporate America....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

darlin, when you raise a family, you are workin"
the most important work you can do!

Anonymous said...

Bravo!  Great entry!  I think the highest calling a woman can have is to be a wife and mother.  That's why I'm always looking so hard for jobs I can do from home.  If I could be a full time mother and wife and not work at all and just focus solely on my family I sure would!  

Second best choice for me is working from home.  Everytime I take a job outside the home life falls apart around here.  My children suffer.  If I have to, I will take a job outside the home.  In fact, I just tried it for about six weeks and didn't like it all that well.  I missed my family and it tore me up quite a bit.  Then I found a way to do telemarketing from home.  It's a paycut that I think will be worth it if we can ever launch hubby's part time landscaping biz.  Hugs,

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I soooo totally agree Kim! I gave up my career as a copywriter at one of Florida's largest newspapers to stay home with my kids almost ten years ago (they are now almost 17 and 13). I can't tell you how many people I shocked by leaving my career job....and how many others ask me when I'm going back to work (I have NO plans for that, by the

Nice to know there are others out there. We need to stick together!!

:) Carol

Anonymous said...

You go girl!

tell 'em ;0)
ha ha


Anonymous said...

Well said.  Bravo.

Anonymous said...

This entry said exactly what I needed to hear right now! Thank you!